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50% strong creeping red fescue
35% slender creeping red fescue
10% Chewings red fescue
5% hard fescue
Overseeding, divoting and construction of free-draining turf areas.
FAIRWAY is a traditional blend of the red fescue sub-species; slender creeping, strong creeping and Chewings.
The red fescue cultivars in the mix are all excellent performers and are all top-15 ranked in the BSPB Turfgrass Seed 2024 booklet.
Of particular note is the outstanding red thread tolerance of Barrisse (#1) and Barpearl (#3), an important factor in fairways under low nutrition.

Figure 1: Graph to show fluctuations in fine fescue performance (NTEP Turf Quality (TQ) assessments) over 9-month perdiod during (hot and dry) 2018 in Landlab, Italy. Note the superior score of Hardtop hard fescue.
When seeding your lawn, adding a pre-seeder before and after can significantly encourage the growth in your turf. click here to add this to your order.
In the Bag
Percentage |
Cultivars |
Type |
45% |
Barisse |
Slender creeping red fescue |
25% |
Viktorka |
Strong creeping red fescue |
20% |
Barpearl |
Strong creeping red fescue |
10% |
Bodega |
Chewings red fescue |
*Cultivars and percentages subject to change from the manufacturer
Sowing Rate |
Sowing Depth |
Oversowing Rate |
Mowing Height |
25 - 35 g sq.m |
8 - 12 mm |
15 - 25 g sq.m |
down to 7 mm |