Health and Safety
All the chemicals we supply are fully cleared for amenity use and should only be used by trained and competent professional users. The chemicals we supply are fully approved for the use as stated on the label. Full protective clothing should be worn when applying these chemicals as described on the label or on the safety data sheets. The operator is responsible for reading the label and applying the chemical in the correct way. This means applying the chemical at the stated quantities in the correct amount of water to specified area.
A full understanding of the chemicals and their usage is essential before these chemicals are used and this also includes their effect to the natural wildlife, flora and fauna in the area they are going to be applied. Untrained or amateur users are are not allowed by law to purchase or apply professional products.
We will only supply professional chemicals to customers known to us or by receiving on headed paper a fully authorised purchase order from a professional account such as a golf course or local authority.

All the products we supply are fully cleared for amenity use. We only supply proven tested professional products which are fully supported by the manufacturers when used as per the product label. As a company we fully support the voluntary initiative about the sale of professional pesticide products. We will only supply pesticides to account customers (who are known to us) other potential customers will need to produce a NPTC (National Proficiency Test Council) test certificate or a NRoSO (National Register of Spray Operators) membership certificate.
Sale of professional Pesticide products

Pesticides approved for the professional use should only be used by trained an competent professional users. (Part III of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, and related Codes of Practice).
We remind you of this and ask you to ensure that anyone who uses a professional pesticide product bought from us has the appropriate certificate of competence unless exempt from the requirements of the UK legislation.
If you wish to purchase a professional pesticide product, and you are not known to us as a professional greenkeeper, groundsman, contractor, farmer or grower, then you will be asked to produce either a current NPTC (National Proficiency Tests Council) test certificate or NRoSO (National Register of Sprayer Operators) membership certificate.
If you do not hold the above qualifications (and are not exempt under UK Regulations), you must obtain the relevant training, use a local spraying contractor or apply the product under the supervision of a trained operator.
It is in your interest to obtain the relevant training certificates and we can supply the necessary information.
We accept no liability whatsoever for any injury or damage to persons or property where a product purchased from us is applied by a person without the prescribed qualification and/or not in accordance with the manufacturers instructions supplied with the product.
Use pesticides safely - read the label before use