Kettering Loam - Cricket Dressing 25 kg | Tennis Loam | Wicket Dressing | Cricket Loam | Cricket Wicket Loam | Top Dressing
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Kettering Loam - Cricket Dressing - 25 kg

Kettering Loam - Cricket Dressing - 25 kg

£10.13 inc VAT £8.44 ex VAT
Unit Price: £10.13 inc VAT £8.44 ex VAT

For larger quantities please ring our sales team on 01328 700600

Kettering Loam has a typical clay content of 24%. This loam has been the mainstay of local authority and school cricket pitches for many years. It is an ideal loam where a pitch is required to give a good surface while receiving a minimal amount of preparation.

Boughton Loam pitches are renowned for being free draining which enables quick easy pitch preparation along with fast grass seed germination. For construction projects Boughton Loam, can be screened at 10 mm to facilitate being used as a base loam so reducing costs when the construction is greater than 75mm in depth.

Pack Size: 25 kg

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