MAPP No 16762
The Best Weed Killer For Your Lawns
Weedol Lawn Weed killer concentrate is the best weed killer for lawns - a fast acting, long lasting industrial strength selective weed killer - killing your weeds not your lawn.
Weedol Lawn Weed Killer contains three herbicides to give control of many common lawn perennial weeds including Dandelions, Daisies, White Clover, Plantain, Common Mouse-Ear, Black Medick and Lesser Trefoil - all this without harming the grass.
Weedol Weed Killer Usage Instructions
Use Weedol Lawn Weed Killer on leafy weeds April - September when they are small and actively growing. For best results do not mow for 3 days before or after applying weed killer on the treated area. Avoid spraying in drought or frost conditions, do not spray in windy conditions. Always read the label and follow the instructions before applying the weed killer.