Turf Disease | Anthracnose | Anthracnose Control | Causes | Control



Foliar Blight: Irregular patches of turf will turn a tan colour and die. Small black acervuli with a hair like setae will be visible with a x10 hand lens.
Basal Rot: The youngest leaves will be brick red, whilst the other leaves will be bright yellow with black rot at the base of the stem.

Grass Species that are susceptible

Foliar Blight: It will affect all grass types but the most susceptible is annual meadow-grass.
Basal Rot: Affects annual meadow-grass more than other grass types.

When does it appear?

Foliar Blight: In the Summer.
Basal Rot: In the Autumn and Winter.

Climate Conditions

Foliar Blight: When its warm and wet.
Basal Rot: When its cold and wet.

Turf condition

Turf would have to be highly stressed with low fertility (nitrogen especially but also potassium and phosphorous imbalances) When the turf has a moist surface, but dry soil and cut at a low height.

control of anthracnose


  • Anthracnose attacks grass plants, normally only Annual meadow grass (poa annua) but occasionally other grasses will show symptom when they are under environmental stress.
  • Disease triggered by low nutrition and compaction leading to reduced turf vigour.
  • Anthracnose is usually prevalent in late summer but can be present at any time of year.
  • Once disease reaches basal rot stage fungicides are no longer effective for control of disease but should be applied to prevent further attack.

    Cultural Control

  • Turf should have sufficient nutritional input, particularly coming into the end of the summer.
  • Using a slow release fertiliser late in the season ensures that adequate nutrition is in the soil to promote a healthy turf.
  • Avoid low heights of cut as they add to turf stress.
  • Minimise mechanical cultivation during periods of stress.
  • Aerate to relieve compaction and improve oxygen levels.
  • Irrigate in the morning to minimise long periods of leaf wetness over night.
  • Use a penetrating wetting agent to move water through soil profile and to keep surface dry.

    Chemical Control

    If cultural control is not effective, anthracnose control can be achieved by the use of chemicals

  • Apply a preventative fungicide such as Dedicate (Tebuconazole and Trifloxystrobin) or Ascernity (Solatenol and Difenoconazole) when risk is high (usually around early August).
  • If Anthracnose is active apply either Dedicate (Tebuconazole and Trifloxystrobin) or Medallion TL (Fludioxonil) depending on time of year, last fungicide applied and temperatures.
  • Always add Prestige Super Recovery to each fungicide application.


  • Clayton Bestow has been withdrawn from sale and distribution.You have until 30th June 2024 for the disposal, storage and use of existing stock.
  • Use fungicides as part of an IPM programme and be aware of causing resistance to one chemical group by its regular use.
  • Use plant protection safely. Always read the label and product information before use

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