CTC FQAs pass annual assessment

All of the Collier turf Care FACTS (Fertiliser Advisor Certificate & Training Scheme) Qualified Advisors (FQA) have successfully passed the fertiliser annual assessment examination. This ensures that they are up to date and able to offer sound professional advice on fertilisers for the turf and amenity industry and entitles them to remain on the register of FACTS Qualified Advisors. Those staff that are not currently FACTS Qualified Advisors are undergoing our in-depth formal training scheme and until qualified they are fully supported by the companies FQAs.
Andrew Harding, Managing Director of Collier Turf Care said “We are committed to ensuring that our staff are fully trained and competent in order that we can deliver the very best advice and service to our customers. As the leading Technical turf care company we fully endorse the principles of professional qualifications and raising the standards throughout the amenity industry”.
Editors Notes:
FACTS is a scheme run by BASIS.
FQA – FACTS Qualified Advisor.
BASIS is an independent standards setting and auditing organisation for the pesticide, fertiliser and allied industries.
Contact: Stephen Jacob MBA MBPR P.Agric Chief Executive Officer stephen@basis-reg.co.uk
01335 343945
St Monica's House
39 Windmill Lane
Collier Turf Care is a market leading Turf Care Company offering professional advice and quality products to the sports and turf maintenance industry.
Contacts: Chris Humphrey, Technical Manager chris@collier-turf-care.co.uk Telephone: 07912 669457
Drury square
Kings Lynn
PE32 2NA