Fertiliser Product Regulations
by Chris Humphrey M.I. Soil Sci. MBPR FQA, Technical Manager
Back in July 2022, new Fertiliser Product Regulations came into force. As part of these new regulations, the declaration of fertiliser analysis of fertilisers supplied in EU countries will need to show the true nutritional contents that is soluble in water. This includes all mineral fertilisers, organic fertilisers, soil conditioners and bio-stimulants.
Traditionally in the UK, fertiliser analysis has been shown as elemental:
N = Nitrogen
P2O5 = Phosphorus Pentoxide
K2O = Potassium Oxide
The new regulations for fertilisers supplied in the EU require the analysis to be shown as available nutrients that are soluble in water.
You may be used to your bag of fertiliser having an analysis of 4:0:8 + 4% Fe + 2% Mg
Under the new regulations for EU fertilisers, the very same fertiliser will now be: 4:3:8 + 4% Fe + 3.3% Mg
So the breakdown of a 4:0:8 fertiliser under the new regulations would look like this:

These regulations only affect fertilisers sold in EU so not everything you buy will change. Look on the bag, if it shows the CE symbol, it is manufactured and labelled to the new EU regulations.
Fertilisers manufactured and only supplied in the UK, will remain with the original elemental analysis.
Liquid Fertilisers
The labelling of liquid fertilisers are also changing.
There are 3 ways liquid fertilisers analysis are displayed:
W/W = Weight/Weight – The weight of nutrient per weight of liquid.
W/V = Weight/Volume – The weight of nutrient per volume of liquid
V/V = Volume/Volume – The volume of nutrient per volume of liquid.
To conform with the regulations, some manufacturers will change from W/W to W/V.
For example:
You may be used to your liquid fertiliser being 25:0:0 (W/W), this will now become 33:0:0 (W/V)
If you would like any advice or help, ask one of Collier Turf Care’s FACTS Qualified Advisors who can also help you prepare a bespoke nutritional programme for your turf.
For advice, contact your local Collier Turf Care representative or call 01328 700600