Toad rush - What It Is & How To Control It
Toad rush, as its name suggests, is a member of the rush family (juncaceae). An annual monocotyledon with small needle like leaves, a rust coloured base and with small green flowers that appears from May to September.

It favours damp conditions and is often seen in areas of lawns under trees, on shaded pathways, pond edges and damp boarders. It is also often seen on fine turf as it seeds in thin areas of the turf and thrives within the thatch as the thatch holds moisture creating the ideal damp conditions.
Herbicide Control
Note* On land not intending to bare vegetation
For Domestic Situations - Gallup Home & Garden, Prestige Super Sticker and Prestige Super pH Buffer.
For Professional Users - Gallup Hi-Aktiv, Prestige Super Sticker and Prestige Super pH Buffer.
Toad rush On Turf
As toad rush is a monocotyledon there are no selective herbicides that have an effective control of Toad rush in turf, however, some selective herbicides may have a limited effect of knocking it back. If there is not too much then it can be easily hand weeded out. Careful use of a weed wand with glyphosate can be considered if there is too much to hand weed but extreme care must be taken to only dab the crown of the Toad rush and not the surrounding turf. Ideally reduce the conditions that favour Toad rush, reduce the thatch level and use penetrating wetting agents to remove surface moisture.
By Chris Humphrey MBPR FQA, Technical Manager
For further help with identification and advice on Toad rush, contact Collier Turf Care on 01328 700600