Syngenta Turf Disease Identification Guide

18 Seedling Diseases Symptoms There are 3 types; Seed rot: Prevents the seed from germinating. Results in a thin sward. Pre-emergence damping off: Occurs post germination before emergence. Post-emergence damping off: Patches of rot at the stem base and collapse. May turn red, purple or yellow as the seedlings die. Susceptible grass species All grass species susceptible. Time of year Early spring and late autumn sowings most at risk. Climatic conditions Cool and wet. Turf conditions Wet soils, poorly prepared seedbed, inadequate or excessive seedbed fertiliser, excessive seedbed rates. Cultural: Good seedbed preparation using adequate drainage; appropriate use of seedbed fertiliser; appropriate seed rate, evenly sown to recommended depth; sow in favourable weather conditions into warm soil; oversow weak areas. Chemical: Curative control is difficult. Use fungicide with proven safety on seedling grasses as directed. Management The GreenCast Turf App is an easy-to-use, one-stop tool to keep a record of your disease control actions and pro-active guidance to ensure you get the best possible results out of all fungicide applications. Fully customisable to your situation, The GreenCast Turf App will guide through the process from disease ID, to product selection; tank-mix options; optimum application advice and timing. Features include: • Email spray sheet recommendations direct to the sprayer operator • Calculate sprayer fill and tank split options • Advice on nozzle selection; water volume and sprayer set-up • Maintain all spray records in one place The GreenCast Turf App maintains a full reference resource of applications, to assesses results of the best decisions for your course – and develop better programmes every season for the future. Download the GreenCast Turf App Download the GreenCast Turf App here: See our website for more information