Barenbrug Sport Catalogue

BARENBRUG SPORT 2025 | PRODUCT GUIDE 9 Disease Factfiles To find out more and download your free copies, visit our website: Products available with SGT technology: SGT Fine Fescue, see page 19. SGT Rye Fairway, see page 19. STRI researchers concluded: “The best performing cultivar in this trial was Barprium, with good turf quality and coverage observed at all N levels and N types. Even at very low levels of N, Barprium still showed good quality and coverage.” Barprium is highly ranked in the BSPB Turfgrass Seed 2025 booklet with a mean score of 7.4 on Table L1 and exhibits strong summer colour – another useful characteristic for low-input golf fairways. Products available in the SGT range include SGT Rye Fairway and SGT Fine Fescue, representing the culmination of many years of research and targeted at golf course fairway overseeding to combat the effects of climate change and reduce future maintenance inputs. Nitrogen Efficiency In SGT Rye Fairway, Barprium offers proven capacity for nitrogen-use efficiency, requiring up to 50% less nitrogen. In an 18 month STRI trial (shown in Fig. 2), results demonstrate nitrogen efficiency from a number of cultivars against live ground cover. Barprium delivers the highest mean turf cover compared to all other cultivars. Put simply, it requires far less N to deliver equivalent turf performance. Figure 2 - STRI N-Efficiency Trial Data. Barprium delivers equivalent mean turf cover to all other cultivars at 50% less nitrogen input. Disease Tolerance Disease tolerance is an increasingly important focus of Barenbrug’s turfgrass breeding programme for Europe. SGT products contain varieties that have the highest levels of protection against a range of relevant pathogens. Hard fescue as a species has excellent tolerance to Dollar Spot, which is an increasing concern, particularly on links courses. Figure 3 has data from recent NTEP trials, showing that hard and sheep’s offers higher levels of tolerance on average compared to the red fescue sub-species. Overseeding fairways with SGT Fine Fescue is likely to be a good option to improve fairway performance against Dollar Spot. Red Thread is a common turfgrass disease affecting sustainably managed turf areas, such as fairways. SGT mixtures contain highly ranked cultivars for Red Thread tolerance, such as Barrisse (#1-ranked; Table L5) and Barjessica (#2-ranked; Table L5), strong creeping red fescues Barcrown (#1-ranked; Table L4) and Barpearl (#3-ranked; Table L4) and new cultivars Barnoustie (#4-ranked) and Barquess (#5-ranked) respectively. The designated SGT perennial ryegrass Barprium not only delivers benefits in terms of drought tolerance, nitrogen-use efficiency and lower biomass production, but it also exhibits broad tolerance to a wide range of disease pathogens including Drechslera leaf spot, GLS and Rhizoctonia. Figure 3 - 2015-2019 NTEP fine fescue trials; all data, all locations. Turf Cover DIA Mean Scores at Different N-Inputs Straight urea @ 15g N m-2 year -1 Straight urea @ 7.5g N m-2 year -1 DIA Cover (% LGC) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 Barsignum Barorlando Bareuro Barolympic Baricum Barprium Baromario Baradona INTRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY GROUPS GOLF CRICKET & TENNIS FOOTBALL & RUGBY RACING & EQUESTRIAN TECHNICAL & SUPPORT