Barenbrug Sport Catalogue

BARENBRUG SPORT 2025 | PRODUCT GUIDE 7 Drechslera Leaf Spot Data Figures 3 and 4 represent data on Drechslera Leaf Spot from independent turf trials in the UK (BSPB/ STRI 2016 S1 trial) and across Europe (GEVES Turfgrass List), respectively. Barprium and Barbasten exhibit high tolerance levels to this disease. Brown Patch Data In internal Barenbrug trials, Figure 5 shows a ranking of breeding material against Rhizoctonia. Barprium and Barorlando offer good protection against this pathogen. Conclusion Disease tolerance is an increasingly important part of turfgrass breeding for the UK market. Traits such as wear tolerance will always be desirable in perennial ryegrass for winter sports use, but environmental pressures, particularly in a large stadium begin to tip the balance in favour of other aspects. With technologies such as hybrid pitches, undersoil heating and growth lighting, wear tolerance is already well covered. The launch of Elite Defence in 2024 was the result of extensive research into variety tolerance against diseases increasingly associated with stadium environments; specifically GLS, Drechslera Leaf Spot and Brown Patch. Elite Defence (page 29) promises increased disease protection with excellent genetic colour and wear tolerance. Figure 4 - Comparison of Score Index & Drechslera Leaf Spot in Perennial Ryegrasses French Turfgrass List 2023 Figure 5 - Brown patch tolerance of Barenbrug cultivars (internal laboratory trials) Cultivar Brown Patch Mean Score Bartrace 7.67 Barprium 7.50 Barorlando 7.17 Barprecious 7.17 Barbions 7.00 Barlancia 6.83 Bareuro 6.83 Babosa 6.67 Barthierry 6.67 Barlicum 6.50 Barcristalla 6.50 Amiata 6.50 Barbasten 6.50 Barpropel 6.50 Barrobben 6.50 Barlibro 6.33 Barpersie 6.00 Barclay II 5.83 Barolympic 5.17 Disease Factfiles Our disease factfiles are an essential part of the Barenbrug resources range. Grass disease is an ongoing problem for many when maintaining golf courses, football/rugby pitches and cricket outfields. Our series of factfiles are great tools to learn about different grass disease types, how to reduce risk, identify, and control them. To download your free copies, visit our website. INTRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY GROUPS GOLF CRICKET & TENNIS FOOTBALL & RUGBY RACING & EQUESTRIAN TECHNICAL & SUPPORT