36 BARENBRUGSPORT2025 | PRODUCT GUIDE • 100%perennialryegrassforuseinmulti-purpose sport areas • Formulatedtowithstandthehighdemandsof cricket squares, tennis and other high impact areas • Fastestablishment • MostpopularBarenbrugproductforsummer sports Usage Designed to create the perfect, lasting surface for cricket squares and outfields, when overseeding, divoting and constructing. Producing a medium-fine turf for intensive wear and good tolerance of close-mowing regimes. Features and benefits Cricket squares and outfields, tennis courts and high-traffic lawns are perfect examples of where this grass seed mix is at home. All four Barenbrug-bred cultivars bring advantages and different characteristics to this product. Barzicois an elite variety for medium-fine turf under wear traffic. It is ranked #3 on Table S1 and within the top third on L1 in BSPB Turfgrass Seed 2025. It was #1-ranked in a recent Barenbrug cricket trial at Loughborough University (see picture below). Barpersie is new for 2025 in EXTREME. A high performing, all round variety. Ranked #10 on Table S1 and #2 in Table L1 in BSPB Turfgrass Seed 2025. This new variety combines exceptional wear tolerance and recovery with fineness of leaf and density. Baradona offers outstanding all-round wear tolerance, shoot density, and aesthetics. With a mean score 7.4 in Tables S1 and L1 of Turfgrass Seed 2025, it is one of the few varieties (withBarpersie) to hold high rankings in both lists. Barsignum is an exceptional ryegrass for summer sports use. It is ranked very highly in both G4 and L1 tables of BSPB Turfgrass Seed 2025. If fineness of leaf or tolerance to very close mowing are the driving factors in product selection, ULTRAFINE 100 is recommended as a possible alternative. Find out more at barenbrug.co.uk/extreme In the bag Bag size 20kg 35% Baradona Perennial ryegrass 30% Barzico Perennial ryegrass 25% Barpersie Perennial ryegrass 10% Barsignum Perennial ryegrass How to use it Extreme Barenbrug’s go-to blend of fine perennial ryegrasses, for all-purpose use in areas requiring medium-fine turf, close-mowing and high wear – ideally suited to all levels of cricket squares. Sowing rate 25-50g/m2 Sowing depth 4-8mm below thatch Oversowing rate 20-30g/m2 Mowing height down to 2mm (Cricket squares) Barenbrug trials run at Loughborough University.