Barenbrug Sport Catalogue

FOOTBALL & RUGBY INTRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY GROUPS GOLF CRICKET & TENNIS RACING & EQUESTRIAN TECHNICAL & SUPPORT BARENBRUGSPORT2025 | PRODUCT GUIDE 29 • ProvenhighdiseasetolerancetoGreyLeafSpot(GLS)– Amiata, Barprium and Barorlando • Increased tolerance to DrechsleraLeaf Spot and Brown PatchRhizoctonia • Highperformanceandweartolerancewithtop-ranked varieties Barzico#3andBarbasten#6 BSPB Turfgrass Seed • AllEuropean-bredBarenbrugdiploidvarietiesforsuperior UK winter performance • Amiata, Barprium and Barorlandohave darker genetic colour for a rich green appearance, desirable on fully renovated stadium pitches Usage ELITE DEFENCE is formulated for the specific needs of elite winter sport stadiums, delivering exceptional and proven disease tolerance against Grey Leaf Spot (GLS), DrechsleraLeaf Spot and Brown PatchRhizoctoniawithout compromise in wear tolerance and overall performance. Disease tolerance More detailed information is given on page 6. Grey Leaf Spot (GLS) As part of a major variety screening programme undertaken in Europe by Barenbrug breeders, Amiata, Barprium and Barorlandohave been identified as being highly tolerant to the damaging disease Grey Leaf Spot (GLS), caused by Pyricularia grisea or P. oryzae(see Fig. 1). These three varieties are all bred by Barenbrug in France and are weartolerant diploid cultivars. Drechslera Leaf Spot DrechsleraLeaf Spot is a very common disease affecting stadium pitches in winter, proliferating in cool, damp and shaded conditions. Independent trials, including BSPB in UK and GEVES across several European countries, have highlightedBarprium and Barbastenas being particularly tolerant against this pathogen. Data is provided on page 7. Rhizoctonia Brown Patch A less common disease issue in the UK, Brown Patch can be a problem during a hot and humid renovation period. Internal Barenbrug trials have shownBarprium and Barbastenwill offer good protection against this disease. Top performing varieties Disease tolerance is only one aspect of ELITE DEFENCE. Crucially, the performance and wear tolerance of the five varieties in UK winter sports conditions is also very strong. Central to this is the utilisation of only European-bred diploid cultivars, which offer far better wear tolerance than tetraploid or American-bred grasses. Barzicoholds the #3 position in BSPB Turfgrass Seed Table S1, trialled under winter sports wear simulation at 25mm height of cut. Barbastenis ranked #6 in the same trials. Both varieties are bred in Holland and have later heading characteristics, which make them exceptionally active in winter/spring recovery. Barorlandois itself a former #1 in BSPB trials, and performs very well in wear trials across Europe. Amiata and Barprium have both been trialled in the UK. AlthoughBarprium performs less well in Bingley, it topped internal Barenbrug trials at Cropvale in Worcestershire. Amiata returned above average scores in UK trials. Barorlando, Amiata and Barpriumoriginate in France, and are generally earlier in their heading dates. Five varieties, with diverse genetic backgrounds, provides excellent mixture synergy overall. Camera-friendly colour Another significant benefit of ELITE DEFENCE over other market options is a strong mid-green genetic colour. Barorlando, Amiata and Barpriumall offer benefits on this front, with impressive colour scores of 7.2, 6.3, and 7.0, respectively in BSPB S1 trials. Combined with their disease tolerance, this promises excellent visual aesthetics throughout the season for HD TV cameras. Find out more at In the bag Bag size 20kg 20% Barzico Perennial ryegrass 20% Barbasten Perennial ryegrass 20% Barprium Perennial ryegrass 20% Amiata Perennial ryegrass 20% Barorlando Perennial ryegrass How to use it Elite Defence An innovative and new to market winter sports grass seed product, designed to deliver disease tolerance without compromise in performance, specifically for the needs and environments of premier sport stadiums. Sowing rate 30-50g/m2 Sowing depth 10-15mm below thatch Oversowing rate 15-30g/m2 Mowing height down to 18mm Figure 1