FOOTBALL & RUGBY INTRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY GROUPS GOLF CRICKET & TENNIS RACING & EQUESTRIAN TECHNICAL & SUPPORT BARENBRUGSPORT2025 | PRODUCT GUIDE 19 • SGT technology offers outstanding turf performance with reduced water and chemical inputs • Drought and disease tolerance, and superior colour • Barpriumfor fine-leaf grass with proven capacity for nitrogen-use efficiency • SGTtechnologyoffersoutstandingturfperformance with reduced water, fertiliser and chemical inputs • Aninnovativemixtureoffinefescuespecies • 50%hardfescueforincreaseddroughttolerance • HightolerancetoDollarSpotandRedThread pathogens Find out more at Usage Overseeding, divoting and construction of medium-fine turf areas across a range of soil types. Features & benefits Our innovative mixture of four grass species. The “driver” of the mixture is Barpriumperennial ryegrass. An outstanding fine-leafed ryegrass with proven capacity for nitrogen-use efficiency; put simply, it requires far less nitrogen (up to 50% less) to deliver equivalent turf performance. Barpriumis highly ranked with a mean score of 7.4 on Table L1 and exhibits strong summer colour, another useful characteristic for low-input golf fairways. The fine fescue cultivars are chosen for their sustainable performance characteristics also. In trials at Landlab in Italy, Hardtophard fescue andBarjessica strong creeping red fescue perform particularly well in periods of heat and drought. The mixture exhibits high disease tolerance in lowinput environments. Hard fescue copes well under Dollar Spot pressure, and bothBarpearl and Barjessica have excellent Red Thread tolerance. Usage Overseeding, divoting and construction for medium-fine turf on sites with particular drought stress. Features & benefits Central to the product is a large proportion of hard fescue, a fine fescue species with well-documented tolerance to drought and heat stress and proven performance with low-input maintenance, as well as good overall turf quality for density and visual merit, helping to maintain good aesthetics in the harshest environments. Hard fescue also offers increased Dollar Spot tolerance and a potential reduction in insect damage. New cultivars of hard fescueBarlegant and Beacon offer unparalleled turf quality parameters for the species in both UK and European trials (BSPB Turfgrass Seed and GEVES Turfgrass List). The mix also includes the new #1 & #2-rated slender creeping red fescues Barnoustie and Barquess for added turf quality and density, andBarrisse, the #1-ranked strong creeping red fescue cultivar for Red Thread tolerance. SGT Rye Fairway Utilising our sustainable grass technology (SGT) delivering grass requiring reduced water, fertiliser and chemical inputs. SGT Fine Fescue Pure fine fescue blend, utilising our sustainable grass technology (SGT), with varieties bred to deliver reduced water, fertiliser and chemical inputs. Find out more at How to use it In the bag Bag size 20kg 30% Barprium Perennial ryegrass 35% Barpearl Slender creeping red fescue 20% Hardtop Hard fescue 15% Barjessica Strong creeping red fescue Sowing rate 25-35g/m2 Sowing depth 5-10mm below thatch Oversowing rate 15-25g/m2 Mowing height down to 7mm How to use it Sowing rate 25-35g/m2 Sowing depth 5-10mm below thatch Oversowing rate 10-25g/m2 Mowing height down to 10mm Greens Tees Fairways Walkways Roughs Greens Tees Fairways Walkways Roughs In the bag Bag size 20kg 25% Barlegant Hard fescue 25% Beacon Hard fescue 20% Barquess Slender creeping red fescue 15% Barnoustie Slender creeping red fescue 15% Barrisse Strong creeping red fescue