Barenbrug Golf Green Trials

At Bingley, visual merit scores of the plots were recorded throughout the trial. Figure 6 shows the mean scores at the conclusion of the trial under both inputs. The strong performance of the 80:20 browntop blend has a significant correlation with the Poa ingression measurements described earlier in the booklet. In other words, the ability of a seed treatment to keep Poa out over the course of the trial resulted in a high visual merit score. The benefits of combining a quality browntop bent with red fescue are plain to see. However, note the same is not true when using inferior quality highland bent. At Bingley, botanical composition of the plots was recorded throughout the trial. Figure 7 shows fescue proportion from the readings of the 100% red fescue and 30% hard; 70% red fescue plots under the low input maintenance regime. The graph illustrates the potential benefits in incorporating hard fescue into a seed mix in areas of the course where a pure fescue sward is desirable under relatively close mowing. Under low maintenance the hard fescue blend appears better able than a traditional red fescue mix to out-compete Poa and weed ingression over time. The performance of the hard/red fescue mix under standard maintenance would suggest the blend is not suitable for areas mown below 5mm, but for areas such as tees and surrounds it could be an excellent choice. The results here are supported by strong evidence from recent trial work at various other locations across the UK (St. Andrews, Castle Stuart, Carnegie Club, Perranporth) that incorporating a proportion of hard fescue (Festuca ovina duriuscula) into a red fescue mixture can offer many benefits to the resulting sward when maintained under a low-nitrogen input regime. Hard fescue’s tolerance of drought, salt, heat, extreme pH and prolonged cold are all well documented, and its retention of colour year-round also offers aesthetic value. Figure 6: Mean visual merit scores of 80:20 fescue:bent blends and 100% red fescue mixture throughout Bingley trial. OBSERVATION Under standard maintenance regimes, red fescue combined with browntop bent is a better option for year-round golf playability under wear. Free Golf News Catalogue Download instantly or request a printed copy. Visit OBSERVATION Hard fescue combined with red fescue represents a good choice for greens (or other areas) maintained under a low-input regime. Figure 7: Fescue composition of 100% red fescue and 30% hard: 70% red fescue plots after over 4 years trialling under a low input maintenance regime. Comparison of Red Fescue Greens Mix vs. Hard & Red Fescue Mixture Over Time Under a Low Input Regime 9 Golf Greens