13 Essential 2025 Product Guide Perennials Native and non-native perennial wildflowers Acidic soils A blend of wildflower species which are frequently found growing on soils with a low pH, such as heathland. • Contains 18 wildflower species • Feature species: Devil’s Bit Scabious, St John’s Wort, Common Catsear, Autumn Hawkbit Clay, heavy soils Designed to be used on soils which are clay based, prone to waterlogging during the winter and sometimes drying out during the summer months. • Contains 20 wildflower species • Feature species: Meadow Cranesbill, Betony, Meadowsweet, Meadow Vetchling General purpose, classic hay meadow A mixture of some of the most commonly found wildflower species in the UK. Can be used on a broad range of soil types. • Contains 13 wildflower species • Feature species: Yellow Rattle, Oxeye Daisy, Meadow Buttercup, Common Knapweed Hedgerow and woodland edge A mixture which features species that will tolerate a degree of shade and are typically found growing along hedgerows, on the edges of woodland and in woodland clearings. • Contains 21 wildflower species • Feature species: Foxglove, Tufted Vetch, Hedge Bedstraw, Wild Garlic Wetland and water edge Suitable for sowing in areas bordering lakes, ponds and watercourses. Typically the soil in these areas will be moist year-round. • Contains 24 wildflower species • Feature species: Yellow Flag, Iris, Purple Loosestrife, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil, Gypsywort Dry, sandy Formulated to be used on soils which are sand-based, free-draining and very dry during the summer months. • Contains 21 wildflower species • Feature species: Lady’s Bedstraw, Viper’s Bugloss, Field Scabious, Toadf lax Loam/variable soils A mixture designed to be used on loam soils which are a mixture of soil types and tend to retain a degree of moisture. A reliable mixture that can be used on larger sites where the soil varies across the site. • Contains 22 wildflower species • Feature species: Tufted Vetch, Red Campion, Ragged Robin, Birdsfoot Trefoil Coastal Features species which are often found growing in a coastal environment. These species are typically quite hardy and tolerant of impoverished soils and a degree of salinity. • Contains 18 wildflower species • Feature species: Campion, Viper’s Bugloss, Goatsbeard, Common Toadflax Chalk, limestone, calcareous Suitable for use on soils which are rich in chalk and limestone. These soils are characteristically quite thin, dry and low in nutrients. • Contains 23 wildflower species • Feature species: Greater Knapweed, Wild Basil, Bladder Campion, Wild Marjoram Tall flowers Formulated using wildflowers which can grow to approximately thigh height. Can be sown alongside our ‘Short Flowers’ mixture to create a contrasting feature. • Contains 18 wildflower species • Feature species: Greater Knapweed, Field Scabious, Foxglove, Evening Primrose Short flowers Ideal for smaller areas such as along roadsides where restricted visibility may be an issue. The wildflower species used in this mixture will grow to approximately knee height. • Contains 16 wildflower species • Feature species: Rough Hawkbit, Forget-Me-Not, Bladder Campion, Betony Bees and butterflies A broad and reliable mixture that contains annuals, perennials and biennials. Each wildflower species contained in the mixture is featured on the Royal Horticultural Society ‘Perfect for Pollinators’ list. Annual species will provide instant results by flowering in the first year. • Contains 32 wildflower species • Feature species: Cornflower, Foxglove, Field Scabious, Kidney Vetch